The agreement reached between WB. ITVP and Prointel, the production company that owns the rights to this legendary TV show, includes the exclusive adaptation, production, and worldwide distribution of this iconic format

Madrid, September 2, 2024. Warner Bros. ITVP Spain has reached an agreement with Prointel for the exclusive worldwide adaptation, production, and distribution of the show "Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez". Both production companies have been working for several months on developing both the daily version and the prime-time weekly version of this legendary format, a symbol of the entertainment history of Spanish television and a classic that marked generations. Created in Spain by Chicho Ibáñez Serrador, "Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez" was a pioneering show that became a major reference point in popular culture in Spain. The show also achieved significant international success, with adapted versions in more than 20 countries, including the UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, among others.

For Pablo Abelenda, Content Director at Warner Bros. ITVP Spain, "This is one of the most beloved, remembered, and effective shows in television history, and we are delighted to be working on the return of this iconic brand. "Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez" has a structure that we all love, with the final auction being the crown jewel. We believe that with the passage of time and the ideas we are developing alongside Alejandro Ibáñez, we can update the format and bring it back to TV in a big way." Abelenda also adds, "Additionally, the format was presented to Warner Bros. ITVP International, and it was decided that the acquisition would not only be for Spain but for the entire world, in order to work on original developments for other countries as well."

Meanwhile, Alejandro Ibáñez, Director of Prointel, expresses his excitement about this collaboration with Warner and the ideas emerging for this new phase of "Un, dos, tres..." "This project represents a unique opportunity to revitalize this television classic, and I believe Warner is the best partner to achieve this. It’s a very strong team, and we feel very comfortable working together, both creatively and in production."