An unclassifiable comedy about how a seemingly routine police surveillance operation ends up completely out of control

The series follows two undercover police officers on a night surveillance, with two female inspectors coordinating the operation from the police station's control room, and a pair of criminals, all eagerly anticipating the moment to 'spring into action.' However, when nothing actually happens, they begin filling the silence with anecdotes and stories about their personal lives, inadvertently exposing their quirks, secrets, and true personalities along the way. This seemingly dull night watch unexpectedly transforms into the most significant case of their lives. 

Arturo Valls (Ahora Caigo, Camera Café) and Carlos Areces (Balada triste de trompeta) play the undercover police officers, Pilar Castro (Ventajas de viajar en tren) and Adriana Torrebejano (Ciega a citas) portray the station agents, while Toni Acosta (Señoras del (H)ampa) and Omar Banana (Veneno, Paquita Salas) take on the roles of the criminals.